Sunday, June 3, 2012

Advantages of Being Single

Yesterday was a revelation for me. Just like the sacred monks find oneness on the vast mountains of the earth. I found myself thinking and reflecting on things that have happened in the past few months as I walk my way to the top of a mountain.

I realized that this past few days. I became too needy with the girl I like. I ignored the signs that she wants to step back. Its because she was telling me in words that she still wants me to continue, I ignored her body language that she wants me to step back. I became too eager to enter a relationship. I became too needy. And I lost track of my goals. There are advantages to being single and I forgot that its a lifestyle that I'm a better fit in than settling down. Because of that girl, I temporarily forgotten the reason for all of this. Because of that girl, I lowered my standards for her. Which I admit is wrong.

The girls that I meet are for developing my skills in the art of seduction. But the journey has been wonderful so far that I can't help fall in love with some of them along the way. Women are beautiful creatures. I love them. Some of them are really marriage material but I end up messing it up because of me too eager for a long term relationship or its just that I don't have enough experience to keep them.

I realized that being single gives me more freedom to do what I want. There are a lot of hobbies that I can do easily alone than with a partner. Especially if your partner is as busy as a bee, you will only end up drifting apart as you are either forced to do it alone or not do it at all.

I realized that there needs to be alot of soul searching to be made. Realizing that I don't have any control of what happens in the future makes me want to think of the now. I can not control how people feel about me. I can only help them and show them who I really am. And realizing that people have different wants and needs at a different time, there's really no telling if you're meant for each other or not. That is why, I think, that you need to think and let the girl think about it over and just let the pieces fall where they may. She will realize how valuable you are sooner or later and you will realize that there are a lot of quality women out there that you don't need to lower your standards for just because society says you need to settle down at this age.

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